Bank Name : Bangkok Bank
Account Name : Thammasat University
Account Number : 091-015-2800
Amount : 1,000 Baht or $30(USD)
***Please note that the programme will not be able to refund this fee under any circumstances***
***If your application status is 'Incomplete,' do not make a payment until the status has been updated to 'Completed'.***

Payment Submission
1.Search for Your Application, in the search box, type your passport number to find your application.
2.Once your application is found, your details will appear in the table below.
3. At the last row of the table, click on the "Action" icon.
4. A pop-up box will appear showing the details of your submission information.
5. Scroll down to the bottom of the pop-up box. You will find an option labeled "Attached Payment Slip."
6. Click on the "Choose File" button and select your payment slip file.The file should be in PDF format.
7. Once the file is attached, click the "Submit" button.
8.Your payment slip will be saved in our system automatically.

If you need support, please contact : or
(Please allow the officer to get back to you within 2 to 3 working days.)

P No. Name Middle Name Surname Address Phone No. E-mail1 Faculty Program TU-Star1 TU-Star2 TU-Star3 Attachments Results Payment Comment Action